Europe standing for Green Deal Technology by empowering people

New European provisions aiming to give clear access to in-vehicle data & technical informations to allowing consumers maintain their vehicles affordably

Easra experts

1/27/20232 min read

What is empowering people with a new generation of technologies ?

Empowering people with a new generation of technologies is making this transformation work in the general interest of people, enterprises and environment. Self interest over general interest of society, self-centred attitude of some large tech companies has resulted in the return of practices that are bordering on a monopoly. For example, in-vehicle collected data from onboard sensors directly and wirelessly transmitted to manufacturers and withholding repair and maintenance information (RMI) are practices using technology as a tool to foreclose competitors on the automotive aftermarket. By denying consumers a real choice and depriving them of the benefits of more competitive prices and quality of services, these practices result in lack of commitment to democratisation of technology.

What is the Europe's Green Deal Technology ?

The Europe's Green Deal Technology is a set of policy initiatives to drive technology in a green new deal. For example, promoting solutions for greener mobility, i.e. offering clean, accessible and affordable transport. The European Commission is proposing more ambitious targets for reducing the CO2 emissions of new vehicles. The most efficient tool to support clean technology is "to protect fair competition", said last January 25, 2023 Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age. The automotive aftermarket is perhaps one of the most telling illustration of the need for such fair competition. When few manufacturers have complete control of parts and repairs on the automotive aftermarket, they are free to decide what is better for their enterprise and not necessarily for the society. In practical terms, this means that manufacturers have the opportunity to maximise their income not only by higher repair prices, but also by increasing the likelihood that vehicles are more replaced than repaired, since they are able to decide what is to be repaired and under which conditions. To give practical shape to the European strategy of Green Deal Technology in repair services, the automotive aftermarket must be really opened to repairers outside vehicle manufacturers' networks through access to vehicle spare parts and in-vehicle data and RMI.

Empowering people by opening the current automotive aftermarket to free competition Consumers need that in-vehicle data, RMI, parts and tools be made available to repairers they have chosen to maintain and repair their own vehicles affordably. For example, owners of electric vehicles (EVs) are against replacement of their car not only for economic reasons. They are giving support to new generation of technologies that are offering longer life cycle and thus better impact for the environment. Consumers are becoming more active and aware of selfish motives. They know that the economic model of EV and smartphone and tablet computer manufacturers is based on the fast refresh cycles of their products. While properly maintained these products have a longer life cycle, manufacturers induce consumers to replace them every two or three years. Today more and more people are in a position to substantially challenge this business model. Therefore, many manufacturers are understanding that they have to adapt to the changing society and market trends. Some are beginning to commit themselves to comply with competition rules when consumers and repairers are calling on national and European authorities to open the automotive aftermarket to free competition, in particular by giving every repairer equal access to in-vehicle data, RMI, parts and tools.

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