Repair family businesses withstanding shocks

Even young customers give support to old family businesses when these enterprises know how to communicate with them

Easra experts

1/9/20232 min read

What are the characteristics of automotive family-run businesses ?
The qualities that belong to family-run businesses and make them recognizable are the closeness to customers and the long-term strategic view that they have of their market. These qualities give automotive family-run businesses more power over growing doubts about the future. Resiliency, flexibility, adaptability are their best assets to maintain or increase their market share in the rapidly changing and challenging world of today, and to leading the way to sustainable growth.

What is entrepreneurs' major concern ?
Entrepreneurs' major concern is to understanding change, as this knowledge is opening a window for new opportunities for their products and services. They continuously need to update and revise both insights into key market trends and communication strategy, in order to react accordingly. Therefore Easra experts are looking to provide members with accurate and update information to reflect current trends and to answer questions that are top of mind with repairshop owners and their advisers.

What are the tools to make easier for your enterprise the communication with younger consumers ? Because your objective is to have satisfied customers and get good referrals, next to have provided the right quality services you must also focus on communication. You have to dedicate time to let people know that your work has been done to meet all quality requirements. Younger tools to better communicate to younger consumers are videos and movie clips, that are attracting more attention. Smartphone users enjoy movement of pictures. Thus, offering them videos and written content by leveraging the use of social networks, enterprises are converting viewers into customers. Some concrete possibilities are as follows: customers having access to a personalized video drawing their attention on everyone of the various steps of their vehicle repair process; there are also more general videos explaining that repairers are fulfilling the obligations laid down by laws, so that consumers make better informed decisions, i.e. right information on price of products and services; pre-contractual information to be provided; contact details of the official ombudsman chosen by repairshop owners to solve any litigation and find a solution friendly and quickly; information on spare parts and services warranties; information on consumers' free choice of spare parts, especially for recycled spare parts from circular economy.

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